Kurt's amazing dinner from Gugelhof in Kollwitzplatz... Germans like their meat!

A picture of the Amplemann, who lives in the cross walks. He's a traditional symbol of East Berlin that was adopted during the Cold War. The Amplemann so popular, in fact, that it was adopted in West Berlin lights as well...

The television tower at Alexanderplatz. Built to be a symbol of communist industry and technology, it became known as the Pope's Revenge. When the sun strikes the metallic ball during the day, a large cross can be seen reflecting off the panels. Reaaaaally pissed off the atheist leaders of the GDR.

Brandenburger Tor. A friend shared an interesting fact with me--- today, the statue of Victory looks towards the East. After the Russians captured Berlin and divided Germany, they rotated the statue so it looked the other way, symbolizing the Soviet Union's "victory" over the West. The statue was only corrected after the fall of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany.

The American Embassy at Paris Platz. This is right next to the French Embassy, the Adlon Hotel (where Michael Jackson dangled his baby over the balcony), and the DZ Bank, which was designed by Frank Gehry. The Gehry building is fairly nondescript on the inside, but it apparently has a huge metallic fish on the inside--- the government didn't want an extravagant building to distract from the majesty of the Gate, so Gehry had to express his creativity inside.
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