After my absurdly long post on Twelfth Night, I thought I'd include some pictures for your viewing pleasure...

The poster, highlighting Richard Wilson as Malvolio during the famous garden scene. Fabian, Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Sir Toby Belch can be seen lurking in the square tree behind the curmudgeon.

Nancy Carroll as Cesario/Viola and Jo Stone-Fewings as Orsino. They're actually married in real life, which lends them an interesting familiarity on stage. Can I just say how awesome his mutton chops are?

Another view of the garden scene, which was quite funny. Also shows the audience how desperate Malvolio is to be loved. Not enough hugs as a small child?

The stage, as seen from the stage-right balcony. I love how the wave seems to erupt from the stage. It had a slight bluish tint, probably some sort of wood stain rather than paint, so it gave the stage a rather dusty feel. The costumes and stage design did a remarkable job of creating a Mediterranean old-world vibe.
*DISCLAIMER--- NONE OF THESE PHOTOS ARE MINE. TAKEN OFF VARIOUS SITES FROM A GOOGLE SEARCH. I now return you to your previously scheduled program...*
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