Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Post from Across the Pond!

Yo peeps! (I'm pretty sleep deprived--- work with me here)

First official post from England! FINALLY MADE IT!

Don't really have a lot to write about yet, seeing as how I've only stepped foot outside of my hotel to open a bank account and buy a phone, BUT OMG LONDON IS FRICKIN' AMAZING.

I'll include more details later on, but for now I have some random observations that I'd like to share with the class.


-The Barclays ATM had a nice little reminder to "Keep Britain Tidy". Just thought that was cute.

-There is a pancake house across the street from my dorm. A PANCAKE HOUSE!

-Drury Lane is a real place. I have yet to find any muffins though...

-Whole slew of restaurants that need to be tried. Winners so far are Naru (Korean food) and Soul Bakery. (It's awesome--- pretty much throw a stone and it will hit an interesting restaurant)

That's it for now. My Mom and I will be doing more touristy stuff later in the week, so I'll have photos and interesting videos to post. I currently have approx. half an hour of video from the trip to the airport and the flight, so that will come once it's been edited and set to lovely music.

As always, thanks for reading. More soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fabulous start ^_^ Keep it up, miss Chels. Your virtual companion is really enjoying it :D
