Friday, September 25, 2009

Pretty Pictures from Enlgand

So... the broadband in the hotel is too slow to upload videos. Grr. They will be up eventually, though, so keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime, enjoy some photos of some English adventures.
Assyrian sculpture from the British Museum.
The view of Arundel village from the castle keep.

Statue on the state lawn of Windsor Castle.

More coming soon! Tomorrow we're going to Portobello Market in Notting Hill, Millenium bridge, the Tate Modern, and St. Thomas' Hospital (Mom's old stomping grounds from when SHE studied here).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eat Fresh


September 22/September 23

So Mom and I decided to be adventurous last night, so we went on a walking tour called "ghosts of old town". We really didn't know what to expect, so we took the tube to the assigned meeting spot and BAM there's St. Paul's Cathedral. I didn't get to see it on my last trip to England, and it's high on my to-do list, so it was really cool to see it so soon. Unfortunately, we couldn't go inside to whisper sweet nothings and nefarious secrets around the dome, but that will come at a later date.

The tour was pretty cool. We walked down alleys and back streets to see some haunted spots around the cathedral, including the King's Wardrobe, St. Andrews church, Blackfriars, the remains of Newgate Prison, the Old Bailey (no, it wasn't actually blown up), St. Bartholemew's Hospital, and the boundary of the great fire of 1666. We also saw the Millenium Bridge (no, it wasn't actually destroyed by Death Eaters) and the Bullet Building, but only caught glimpses. The guide told us some chilling tales about witches, dark murders, and CRAZY women. Highlights include stories about Jack the Ripper, Sweeney Todd, Tannakin Skinker the hog-faced woman, 19th century bodysnatchers, and a murder at the Blackfriar monastery. All in all, quite an interesting tour. MUAHAHA!

Today we set out with the intention of getting some errands done. I had to buy some plates, pillows, etc. etc., so we decided to hit the shops on Oxford St. This place puts G-town to SHAME. I've already decided that I'm not going to spend money on food this year--- I'm going to buy clothes. We walked from our hotel down to the Oxford Circus station, took the tube back to the hotel to drop off the bags, took the tube back out to Bond Street station, and walked down New Bond Street (very posh area of town, I have to say). On our way back to Oxford Street we decided to take a bit of a detour, so we decided to go to Hyde Park via Brook St. This place is FULL of giant townhouses, fancy restaurants, nice cars, etc. We walked past a hotel/restaurant/store that had a lot of paparazzi camped outside. Apparently they were waiting for Posh Spice. Fancy that!

Further down Brook Street we walked past Grosvenor Square, which includes John Adams' house (he lived here when he served as ambassador to GB) and the American Embassy. We got to Hyde Park, where we tooled around the Marble Arch and Speaker's corner (will post video shortly!). Finally, we walked back to the starting point of the afternoon, Bond Street station.

Once we got back to Holborn, Mom and I decided to do a bit of the British Museum--- it's literally TWO BLOCKS from the hotel. We were more tired than we thought, so we bailed after seeing the Elgin marbles and some Assyrian and Egyptian sculpture exhibits. We definitely want to go back, though, as they're opening a new exhibit on Montezuma and the Aztecs. Everyone enjoys a good sacrifice with a still-beating human heart! Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't display my macabre sense of humor on a blog.

That pretty much brings us up to speed. In a few minutes Mom and I are going to dinner, and then to a pub walk along the Thames! Thanks for reading, couch travelers!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Post from Across the Pond!

Yo peeps! (I'm pretty sleep deprived--- work with me here)

First official post from England! FINALLY MADE IT!

Don't really have a lot to write about yet, seeing as how I've only stepped foot outside of my hotel to open a bank account and buy a phone, BUT OMG LONDON IS FRICKIN' AMAZING.

I'll include more details later on, but for now I have some random observations that I'd like to share with the class.


-The Barclays ATM had a nice little reminder to "Keep Britain Tidy". Just thought that was cute.

-There is a pancake house across the street from my dorm. A PANCAKE HOUSE!

-Drury Lane is a real place. I have yet to find any muffins though...

-Whole slew of restaurants that need to be tried. Winners so far are Naru (Korean food) and Soul Bakery. (It's awesome--- pretty much throw a stone and it will hit an interesting restaurant)

That's it for now. My Mom and I will be doing more touristy stuff later in the week, so I'll have photos and interesting videos to post. I currently have approx. half an hour of video from the trip to the airport and the flight, so that will come once it's been edited and set to lovely music.

As always, thanks for reading. More soon!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Godfather with the girls

As promised...

Really enjoying the new flip. Thanks Dad!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First post! As a warning to all my fair readers, this blog will provide insight and enlightenment onto the craziness that is my life. It's also a travel blog. As a note to friends, family, and stray passers by, this blog will recount my adventures in England and other random countries around the world. Thanks for coming on the trip...

I'm not in England yet, but I am in DC, so this doesn't violate the spirit of my travel blog. The countdown is ticking away! As of tomorrow, only 5 days until I hop the pond.

In the MEANTIME... I've spent the last few days at American, hanging with collegiate peoples and bouncing around campus. I'm enjoying the opportunity to see everybody one last time before I head out. Leaving for a year really makes one appreciate one's friends! *tear*

Anyhoodles... thought I'd officially get the blog up and running. Feel free to add comments. WAS going to post a video commemorating my first night of the visit, but internet is running incredibly slow. Enjoy.