Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Just a little humor from the BEEB...
This is one of my favorite shows from the Beeb. He covered a lot of election material a few weeks back, but my favorite clip is called "Every time Gordon Brown smiles, a fairy dies!". Check it out around the 4:12 mark. ENJOY!
UPDATE: the screen size is a little off, but you can still see it pretty well...
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Countdown
Officially 31 days until all my exams are over!
Status update:
I just got back from a mini-break on the Continent, where I got two countries for the price of one. I'll post pictures and stories from my adventures in Belgium and Holland soon. I managed to choose the luckiest time to be in Brussels!
Right now I'm studying for exams, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel! I'm planning a big trip to Warsaw after my finals are done in June, and I have a few cultural events to look forward to as well. Besides my visit to Poland, I'm going to see the Pixies in concert, Macbeth performed at the Globe Theater at midnight, and Elvis Costello live in Oxford. Can't wait!
I'm officially going to be in Washington, DC this summer. I have a part-time job working for the American University Admissions office and an environmental lobbying firm called Plug In America. My friends have moved into the new flat, and I can't wait to join them!
Look for more photos soon! I realize that I still have to post updates about the rest of my Eurotrip--- Rome and Paris will come eventually. Thanks for patience!
Happiness is a Warm Burrito...
After long last, London gets its very own Chipotle!
I realize this is a bit of a ridiculous post. Chipotle seems common in the States, seemingly unworthy of excitement or a blog post. To a 20 year old college student, self-exiled to another continent, THIS IS A BIG FREAKING DEAL.
Food in London is good. REALLY REALLY GOOD. I have had some of the most brilliant Thai, Fish and Chips, Indian, and Doner Kebab while in Europe, but there are several things that England does not get right.
Here's the countdown of my top foodie peeves...
3) American snack food: There are 3 supermarkets within a mile radius of my dorm, and each has a specific purpose. It's impossible to find what I want at a single store--- each has a different salty/crunchy snack. Sainsbury's has typical crisps and biscuits, but all British style/flavor. Marks and Sparks (Marks and Spencers) is the only place where I can find tortilla chips and pretzels. Fancy-schmancy Waitrose, the farthest of the three, is the only place where I can find popcorn. For some reason, it's not that popular here. FAIL.
2) Pizza: Most Europeans I talk to don't understand the difference between American pizza and London pizza. To them, my description of the perfect slice sounds disgusting and unhealthy. London pizza seems weak and overly-proper. Pizza is supposed to be eaten with your hands, not with knife and fork. It's supposed to have an actual crust, hearty enough to support mounds of toppings and cheese. It's supposed to be molten hot, just coming out of the oven, not tepid and congealing. Pizza Express is all fine and good, but I really prefer Pizza Regina or greek-style from Sudbury Pizza. (yes, Mom, I know you say it stinks now, but I still remember when it was good!)
1) Mexican food: Why bother? British chefs do a lot of things right, but Mexican is rarely one of them. 6,000 seems to large a divide for cuisine to bridge, and nothing I've had here rivals Mexican food I've had in the states. Heck, I can make better Mexican food than some of the restaurants in London. Whether it's sit-down or assembly-line take away, London can't compete.
All this leads to my utter excitement about finally getting a Chipotle, not just in the city of London itself, but 3 blocks away from my dorm. I even found a short-cut that puts me right next to the restaurant!
Tonight was the opening, and the small branch was packed with Americans--- I'm pretty sure every yank in London converged on the restaurant. Rumors of imminent arrival have been swirling since the fall, and I've been anxiously awaiting the opening of this beloved institution.
It was well worth the wait, after 4 months without this little slice of home. Happiness is a warm burrito, especially when eaten with friends. :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ich bin ein Berliner! Photos 2...
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe--- a really strong and disorienting memorial. You can walk through the cement blocks, arranged in a perfect grid. If there's no one in front of you, it seems like you're in it all by yourself, lost in a labyrinth of concrete. The memorial lends itself to a wide range of images--- some see the blocks as soldiers marching off, or as gravestones, or as bars marking out statistics on a graph...

I really like the fact that Berlin is a city that remembers--- everything holds significance in a different way, from the artistic to the symbolic to the literal.
A famous mural, titled "Kiss of Brotherhood: Lord! Help me to survive this fatal love!", that depicts an interesting greeting between Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker.
Ich bin ein Berliner! Photos...
Kurt's amazing dinner from Gugelhof in Kollwitzplatz... Germans like their meat!

Ich bin ein Berliner!
Germany has never been the vacation destination of my dreams. Italy, southern France, Greece, Morocco... Germany doesn't really fit on that list very well.
I have some good friends who LOVE Germany. LOVELOVELOVE Germany, so I decided to give it a go. Heck, I like learning about the Cold War and I like curry wurst, so why not?
BEST DECISION EVER!!!!! I love Germany now, too.
Berlin kicked off the first leg of Eurotrip 2010. We had 3 days/4 nights in the city before hopping off to our next destination. I'd say that we managed to see most, if not all, of the important memorials, museums, and landmarks of the city. From the Brandenburg Tor to Alexanderplatz, Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Cathedral to the East Side Gallery, Potsdamer Platz to Museuminsel, and everything in between.
My comrade-in-arms (Kurt, a friend from AU who is studying in the UK this semester) and I were based out of the East Berlin neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg. The area is full of cool restaurants, including the Prater Beer Garden (the oldest in Berlin) and Konnopke's Imbiss, which is a tiny shack under the U-Bahn tracks that serves AMAZING currywurst. SERIOUSLY.
I learned a few german words and had some adventures with pronunciation. Ausgang, brötchen, and garten are random bits I picked up (they mean exit, bread roll, and garden respectively). It took me a while to realize that ß replaces a double s--- I sound preeeeeetty stupid saying staße (pronounced strasse) with a B! It also took me a little while to realize that ö is pronounced like "er", so brötchen is pronounced "brertken". I really liked figuring out German, though--- I always want to study the language of the city I'm in. For a few weeks, I really wanted to study Danish--- no lie.
Anyway, photo proof to come! Took A LOT of pictures on my trip, so I'll be sure to throw some up on the good ol' blog.
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