Sunday, December 20, 2009


The three people who read this blog (hi mom!) might have realized that I haven't posted in... a while.

First, life got in the way (as it does from time to time). Thanksgiving, Dublin, papers, packing, etc.  I have lots and lots of interesting photos and stories, but was too busy/tired/lazy to post.  WHOOPS.

Then, just as I got enough free time to post, my computer DIED.  Hard drive started making the whir-click sound of death.  I didn't even drop it this time, I swear!

Posting might take a little while because I'm still experiencing technical difficulties--- photos, music, files didn't quite make the transfer from the backup to the new hard drive.  Never fear, though!  I'll be up and running soon.

I'm back in the states, on a short break from England, enjoying some free time at home doing absolutely nothing.  

Keep your eyes open for new stuff!